Telia Crowd Insights rörelsedata

Telia Crowd Insights is one of our external data sources. Through Telia Crowd Insights, our customers get access to anonymized and aggregated data from the mobile network to provide insights into how people move in different geographical areas.


This information enables companies and organizations to make more informed decisions regarding everything from store placement, movement analyses, performance monitoring and marketing strategies. By understanding customer behavior and business flows, companies can better adapt their services and products to market needs.

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How do our customers use Telia Crowd Insights?

Our customers use Telia Crowd Insights in many ways to optimize their business decisions and strategies. By analyzing movement patterns, our customers can identify optimal store locations, improve marketing campaigns through geographic targeting, and streamline both staffing and offers based on real customer patterns. It also contributes to better decision-making in expansion planning and provides the opportunity to adapt products and services to market needs.


Understand your customers better

With Telia Crowd Insights, you can map where your potential customers are, their movement patterns and how it has changed over time. This understanding enables more effective location planning, targeted marketing campaigns and strategically placed business locations.

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Telia Crowd Insights enables strategic placement and expansion planning

Use Telia Crowd Insights to identify the most promising locations for new stores or expansion. By analyzing customer flows, you can make data-driven decisions that reduce risks and maximize opportunities for success. In our tools you can e.g. see how different movement patterns or places have developed over time, to be able to draw conclusions about which places become more or less attractive over time.


Targeted marketing and sales

Integrate Telia Crowd Insights into your sales and marketing strategy to create more personalized and effective campaigns. By targeting the right people, in the right place, at the right time, you can increase both customer satisfaction and sales.

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Applications across industries

Regardless of whether you are active in retail, real estate or any other sector where geographic insights are important, Telia Crowd Insights is the tool you need to better understand and meet your customers’ needs.


How can Telia Crowd Insights help you?

In our user-friendly tools, we have integrated data from Telia Crowd Insights, which can help you make better decisions. Get in touch with us to discuss what your needs are, and how this data source can help you.

“Getting access to all the data we need through one and the same partner is incredibly valuable. For us, this means that we can work in one and the same tool when we have to make decisions about new establishments and how to work customer-focused with marketing and assortment, both regarding new and existing stores”

Per Edstam, Expansion Manager at City Gross.

Our tools


Simon Adolphson

Business Director +46 737016702

Elin Johansson

Project Leader and GIS-technician +46 723938218